Art as diversification
As the awakening of a dormant interest, it became fashionable once again, in recent years, the interest in Art, not intended as an exaltation of beauty in itself, but as a real investment.
It must be considered that in some cases in fact, a masterpiece can be considered as a safe-haven asset, comparable to gold and capable of maintaining and also to increase its value over time, as well as making a significant portfolio diversification compared to traditional financial instruments.
Investors, in this particular market segment, often already own important works of art to which they are linked by a strong emotional attachment. This is why the simple advice for the purchase, in these cases is no longer sufficient, but it must be accompanied by a 360 ° management of the assets, whose aspects cannot transcend legal, tax and insurance advice and historical research, exhibition and the publication of catalogs.
Here at Orion Consulting we distinguish ourselves by offering a complete and completely personalized approach to our collectors, making use of a selected network of partners whose first objective is to guarantee your confidentiality.